
I hear Crickets...

Are you afraid of silence??? I think I am!

This is one of those weeks where there isn't a lot going on here at the church (with Wednesday night stuff cancelled due to Fall Break). I am sitting here in my office and it's very quiet. Almost scary quiet. This doesn't happen often, except if I am here late on Saturday or early on Sunday! :) However, today, in the midst of the quiet...I'm reminded of the nights when I was a kid and was scared of the dark. I slept with a nightlight, the door open, and the same ol' Batman cassette tape reading the same ol' story each and every night. It's kinda crazy, but here in my office, I still have that cassette (which I just checked and the copyright is 1981). I am constantly reminded of not my desire for Batman or anything like that...but my desire for noise. I don't handle silence very well. I sleep with a box fan (turned as high as it will go) every night. If I don't have a radio on (not that I am paying attention to it anyway), I am listening to the hundreds of voices in my head go 90 mph. In the midst of that, I have come to realize that it isn't the noise that I like so much...it's more that I DON'T like the silence . BUT...in the midst of silence, I'm reminded of Psalm 46:10 which says, "Be still and know that I am God." So many times in my life I get so busy and so caught up in doing things and being places...that I forget to take time not just to spend with God...but really...to sit and simply "be still". Silence isn't a bad thing...it actually makes hearing from the Lord that much easier! Try to find a quiet place to just sit and spend some time with the Lord...I'm sure that it will be far better than listening to a cassette that was made in 1981!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor



Praise for what God is doing:

In each staff meeting, we share praises about what God has been doing in the last few weeks. Here are just a few of the many praises that were mentioned in this morning's staff meeting:


Incredible things are going on in Student Ministry. On Saturday evening at the Student Baptism Service, it was incredible to hear from students’ mouths the life-changing experiences that God has done in their lives. One-by-one students rose to the stage and poured out their hearts about how God has changed them and has been so faithful in their lives. About 200 students this past weekend gathered together to seek Him and His plan for their lives. And we are still hearing stories about how He used this past weekend to shape them into His image.


As many of you know, Ronnie felt led to take up a special offering this past Sunday. This is something that he very rarely does and it is only when he truly feels God leading him to do so. He asked that people give whatever they could. A staff member's middle-school-aged son saw a lady next to him open her purse and literally POUR the contents into the offering plate. His son was completely humbled by her generosity and how much she trusted God. As church members and even as staff we will never know who this generous woman was, but her testimony made a powerful impression and I am sure that this boy will never erase that image from his mind.


There are so many things we could mention that He is doing here. (I wish I could type as fast as the Micro-Machine man could talk, so that I would be able to share each story as people rattle them off!)


Ghana Mission Trip Video

What are you willing to give?

Have you ever sat there and wondered why everywhere you turn, the same topic seems to come up? Whether it is in a message, a conversation with a friend, a blog, a news story, or even a TV show? Well...the past several weeks I feel as though God has really been talking with me about what am I willing to give up. This past week, in our small group discussion, we were talking about how "rich" all of us are...despite the fact that none of us are "financially well off". We all have everything we need: roof over our heads, food on the table, family that loves us. But what are we doing for those who don't have those things? It might be as simple as something that you have plenty of, yet you can't seem to part with them all. Our lesson was about Dorcas (Tabitha). She was the only person in scripture that Peter raised from the dead. He did it because she was important to the widows in Joppa (Acts 9). She had made robes (or Snuggies, as Pastor Ronnie said) for the widows and the poor. James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." We as a group began looking at what "pollution" we spend money on and what are some ways that we can provide for the widows and orphans. What are you willing to give up?

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor



Alrighty...if you are reading this, then you probably have read the post below about how we as a staff attended the Catalyst Conference. While we were there soaking in as much wisdom as possible, a group did something extremely odd. Hope International is a Christian Organization that is set up to help rid poverty by providing small loans (average loan is $100) to help families, or even villages at times, purchase the needed materials to create something that they can sell. It is NOT a gift, but rather a loan. They also claim that 99% of the loans are actually paid in full in six months. So...where do we come in?!?!?!

There were 12,000 people in attendance at this conference...they handed each and every one of them an envelope with a $10 bill in it. Their challenge is simple: find a way to turn the $10 into $100 and send it in to provide a loan for one of these groups. If you have any ideas about how me personally, or collectively we as a staff, can turn all of our $10 bills into $100 each, please let me know. If you want more information, visit their website at: www.hopeinternational.org. Thanks! And keep those ideas coming in!!!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor


Letters to God

Keith just came into my office with his arms overflowing with some of the most precious notes I have ever read. Letters from children written to a holy God. Such beautiful simplicity. Such honesty. (And in some cases, such hilarity!) It is times like these when I totally get what Jesus meant when he told us to have child-like faith. Nothing could be more real or tender. I can't help but think about how moved God must be by children's hearts. If I, as a sinful person, was so moved by them, I couldn't help but think what He felt as He saw His children scribbling away notes to their Heavenly Daddy.
(Above: Thank You, for life thank you for creating me even though you know I was going to sin thank you that you loved me. and thanks for caring and god I know that you know who I am so thanks!!)

("God Bless You"? :) I mean really, how cute is that?)


Catalyst Conference

Some of the FBCL staff spent last Thurs. & Fri. at Catalyst, a leadership conference that is geared towards helping leaders use their passions and gifts in order to have maximum impact in our churches and culture. We were able to sit under some incredible teaching including Chuck Swindoll, Priscilla Shirer, Andy Stanley & lots, lots more. (Currently, we're all experiencing Information Overload!)

I'm sure you'll hear a lot from our staff as we continue to process what God taught us while we were there. Until then, I will share just a few photos from my phone:

(Dave Ramsey)

Kids' Choir

Our 1st through 5th grade Kids’ Choir led the musical portion of worship in all three services a few weeks ago. Although this really exhausts the kids and sets it up for their parents to finally get a Sunday afternoon nap, that’s not our primary motivation in doing so! Our real goal is all about vision and value.

First, we want to give the kids a vision of what it means to serve their church body. We want them to recognize that this is their church, too, not just that of the adults; that they can be used to lift up the name of Jesus and provide the Holy Spirit an opportunity to draw others to Him. This also reinforces the value God places on music as part of the worship experience. (Psalm 66:4) Over and over in Scripture, throughout both the Old and New Testaments, we are urged to sing out both to and of our Lord. (1 Chronicles 16:9…1 Corinthians 14:15) This isn’t about our great ability or some great opportunity; it’s about one great God. (Revelation 15:3) We want the kids to recognize that they don’t have to have the greatest talent or make music their fondest pastime; it’s not about them at all. We want them to recognize that God yearns to hear our voices lifted up in honor of Him. (Psalm 5:3)

Music is big in our world today, especially in the culture of our youth. Just look at the success and acclaim of High School Musical and American Idol and you will recognize that the world knows well how to proclaim value through music. We want to teach our children from the earliest age to proclaim the value of Jesus through this avenue He Himself created and blessed.

One thing I came to recognize early on as a parent is that our children learn best by seeing us do stuff. Although I would occasionally prefer to deny this fact, the truth is that they most often walk, talk, and live the way they see us walk, talk, and live. (Luke 6:40) What’s that got to do with having them in the “big church” service? Well, for one we want them to see their parents and other adults worshipping and realize that this is something that is valuable in their lives from childhood through adulthood. It’s not a childish thing to sing praise, it’s not immature or some passing stage, it’s a God thing. The children of the Lord have been singing His songs for thousands of years. There is a rich heritage to be passed on to this next generation. We teach them the value of worship through how we ourselves worship.

Finally, we want our church body to catch a vision for the church of tomorrow. It’s not about picturing us middle-aged parents trying to keep up with the motions to Spin twenty years in the future. Thank goodness for that! Rather, we get to see that those boys and girls who led us on Sunday morning are some of those who will one day be the worship pastors, small group leaders, lead pastors, and parents of the church to come. That thought can be a little scary, humbling, and sobering. As discouraging as our culture can be when we look for a spiritual light in the next generation, we can be encouraged when we see these children proclaiming His name in song. Music is a powerful medium; it reaches deep and is remembered long. We know that they are learning truth by what we hear come out of their mouths. We know that they are being drawn close to God by the very fact that they are learning ever more about Him. And to know Him is to praise Him.

Chris Marsh

Children's Choir Coordinator




A few weeks ago on a Wednesday night, we were talking about creation and I posed this question to the kids: what is something that you have seen that made you say "WOW"? I was amazed at their responses. It was a really great time. This past week, I had the opportunity to fly out to Colorado Springs thanks to David C. Cook (a publishing company who provides our curriculum for Wednesday nights). I took Mattie along with me and after I was done with business, we had a couple of vacation / touristy days. Let me just say this: I believe that it is impossible NOT to acknowledge that there is a God when you see the things that we saw. Here are just a few of the things that made me say WOW (disclaimer...in all honesty, pictures do NOT do these places justice...it is magnified 10 fold when you see it with your own eyes!!!)

This is a picture of Pike's Peak...a mountain with an elevation of 14,110 ft.

This is one of the rocks/mountains located in The Garden of the Gods...simply breathtaking when you are able to see it up close and see how huge it truly is!

This is Seven Falls...a chain of 7 waterfalls in a row that is just gorgeous!

This is the chapel at the US Air Force Academy. To gain perspective, look for me and Mattie in front of the doors to see how high this truly is!

All in all, these are just a few samples of things that screamed, "There is a God and He is an incredible artist!!!" Simply put...WOW!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor


I Marriage

I know a lot has been said about small groups lately. This will be another one of those times! As Preschool Director it has been quite some time since David and I have been involved in a Life Group. All the responsibilities of Sunday morning and Wednesday night pretty much kept me on the Preschool hall. In November we joined a small group on Wednesday night and I can't tell you how much we have enjoyed it. We have great friends and are currently doing the I Marriage study by Andy Stanley. At first, I didn't want to do another marriage study but God knew differently. This November David and I will be married for 18 years. I have never done another study that has impacted my marriage more than this study. We all begin our marriage with desires that almost right away turn into expectations. What happens then when those expectations are not met? This study will help you answer that question and many more. If you are not involved in a small group or Sunday School I encourage you to do so. We all need it!

God desires that you show your gratitude to Him by showering love on your spouse.
Submission to each other is not required because you deserve it, but because of what Christ has done for you.
You are to love like He loves you.

How can you show love and respect to your spouse today?
Michele Yarbrough
Preschool Director