
Here is a video on First Baptist Church Loganville's first all-ladies mission trip to South Asia in November of '09.



Traditions and A Christmas Carol

I absolutely LOVE this time of year! The weather is getting colder, basketball season is here, and Christmas is just around the corner!!! Now, I know my family is strange in many ways, but one of the things that makes us so close is the fact that we have many family traditions that we do this time of year. I want to share with you one of the many...simply because it is so special to me personally.

About 9 - 10 years ago (depends on who you ask) my family began going to see A Christmas Carol live at the Alliance Theater downtown at Christmas. If you have never gone, it is truly one of the best plays you will ever see!!! For years we have taken many people with us to share in this family tradition. However, 4 years ago it was even more special. December 3rd, 2005 was the day that I asked Mattie to be my wife. I did it after an incredible steak dinner at a nice restaurant. On the way to the play Mattie said, "I really thought you were going to propose at dinner tonight!" With my heart beating out of my chest, I simply replied, "I told you...just wait, I have a plan of when I want to do it!" Little did she know that the others who went with us that year ALL knew what was about to happen (that year we took 48 people total!!!).

At any rate, here we are 4 years later (she did say "Yes") and this past weekend we went to see the play again. It was awesome as usual. But it made me wonder...part of the reason it is so special is because of the tradition. I just tagged onto it to make it a more memorable evening. But every year, we go back down memory lane and remember that day 4 years ago. It's a great memory!

My Pops always says, "Let's make a memory"...what are some of your traditions that your family does that helps make memories for your kids? As we enter into the holiday season...have you considered starting another tradition for your family this year? I love stories and I love traditions...share with me some of yours!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor
770.466.4250 ext. 246

Update from South Asia

An Update from Suzanne Roberts, one of our members who just returned from an all-ladies mission trip to one of the world's most densely populated Muslim countries:

I just wanted to say that I am thankful that God allowed me and my daughter, Myla, to go and experience South Asia.. .WOW... what an experience!!!

Although, we'll never see all the GLORY that HE received .. because of our obedience to Go... I know that we, nor the people that we shared with, will NEVER be the same again.. There is just no way to GO on a mission trip and not come back changed..

It has been said.. that God does his most stunning work where things seem hopeless. Wherever there is pain, suffering, and desperation, Jesus is. And that's where his people(a group of 10 women) belong (in South Asia) --- among those who are vulnerable, who think nobody cares. What better place for the brilliance of Christ to shine?

Before we left.. I was told by two different prayer warriors... that our main goal was to ENCOURAGE the full-time missionaries that God has put into place in Bangladesh.. And I feel that our team did just that.. The prayers we prayed for them, and over them... will do much more than we could ever accomplish "in our own strength" in one week.

Upon our return home, Myla was still overwhelmed with tears as she laid her head down in her beautiful room, on a clean bed (where only she sleeps) that we are SO BLESSED.. that we have SO MUCH.. and they have SO little.. I know that the trip made an impact on her little life.. and she will never be the same again.

Thank you ...Jesus.
Suzanne Roberts


Blessing Baskets

Blessing Baskets was a great thing to be a part of this year. Many were served and hopefully many felt the love of Christ through this annual ministry. Here are a few photos from the event:


Help support the Children's Ministry

Hey there everyone...how many of you shop online? How many you purchase things online from Amazon, iTunes, ebay, shop.com, etc.? This week I wanted to bring something to your attention. There is a website that is a referral based program that helps raise funds through people who shop online. Of course this time of year is the busiest for online shopping! It is so simple that even a child could do it! :) Just go to: http://sendthemforhim.com/files/Groups/LoganvilleChildren/Categories.html

Choose a category and click on the store you want to purchase from. The cool thing is this: it does NOT charge you any more money than you would if you went to the regular store online in the first place. However, by going through this website FIRST...we will receive a "finders' fee" for bringing the shopper there. So, help support the Children's Ministry by going through this website for all your online shopping...and try to remember to do it throughout the year as well. It's a great way to help us...without costing you any extra money whatsoever!!!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor
770.466.4250 ext 246

Women Reaching Women :: South Asia Missions

In 2 days, a group of 8 ladies and 2 girls will travel to South Asia to minister to Muslim women and girls. Because of the gender dynamics within Islam, only other women are able to connect with these precious people. Kathy Ramsey, who will be leading our group, wrote the following reflection in her journal this week. (While we are there serving we will continue to post updates on this blog so that you can follow along with what God is doing.)

"For You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self discipline."

And it is in this spirit we must follow You to the hard places
because what the world calls impossible situations-
God who is ABLE,
performs wonders!

The Koran teaches that most of the people in hell will be women.
It teaches that she is helpless even in earning her salvation,
but must depend on the good works of her spouse or father.

We go with beautiful feet,
We go with beautiful news;
carrying a light within us that brings hope to her soul.

There is a man who did the work for her!
A man she can depend upon.
A man who calls her to His side to be His bride.

There is a man
whom calls her by name.
He is Isa Masiah,
Jesus the Messiah!



A Service-Oriented Church

In a time when more people than usual are experiencing reduced or even non-existant household incomes, in a time when more people are hungry and in need, that's when the local church needs to take action and be the forerunner in caring for those exact people.

Our staff was just recently overwhelmed at the responses our church made in regards to two opportunities to help those in need.

First, the numbers of our members who signed up to assist with the Blessing Baskets ministry were more than we've ever had.

And second, our food pantry (which, as you know, is in place so that we can help those who come to the church that are hungry) was running critically low recently. In response to the shopping bags that were placed on windshields a couple of Sundays ago, the pantry is overflowing! However, in the times we are in, the needs we see are constant, so please keep bringing non-perishables to the food pantry so that we can continue to meet the physical needs of those in our community.

Again, we can't say enough how thankful we are to have such a giving body of believers. Y'all are great.


Get to know the FBCL Staff :: Tracey Means

Tracey Means, Bright Beginnings Weekday Preschool Director

1. What are you passionate about?
My family, my students, staff and parents at Bright Beginnings, Jesus & Georgia Football.

2. What are your dislikes?
Mean people and ironing

3. What did you do before coming to FBCL?
Special Education Teacher and Head Cheer Coach at Parkview High School

4. Describe yourself in 5 words:
Blessed, encouraging, easy-going, optimistic, busy

5. What do you do to chill?
Go to the movies or out to eat, hike, watch cheesy shows (like American Idol), go to a coffee shop.

6. Have you ever met someone famous?
I cheered for Jeff Francour's team when I was in high school.

7. What is your dream?
My husband, Jeremy, and I would love to have a farm!

Disciple Now 2009

Hey Guys,

Let me say Thank You, Thanks, You Rock, Way to Go, You’re Awesome and Great Job on Disciple Now weekend. I think we had somewhere around 200 students with 21 host homes and 20 baptisms. Also several other students that weekend gave their life to Jesus and are going to be baptized soon. We have at least one family that I know of that has started visiting our church since that day. They may come for a big event but it’s the relationships they have with you that brings them back. Our growth is a result of GREAT workers like you.

Sometimes people ask me who has the largest youth group in Loganville—is it us or another church. Well it is none of those-Satan has more kids than any of us. My prayer for us is that we continue to damage his kingdom by seeing students give their life to Jesus and walk in the kingdom of Light.

Thank you for allowing me to work with you as we go after kids in our community and fulfill
God’s call on each of our lives.

Wayne Naugle
Student Pastor


New Building Progress

I stepped into the new building this morning and was surprised to see the progress that has been made since the last time I checked it out a few weeks ago. And the space is BIG!

But, there is one negative to this whole situation, and to some it's a pretty substantial con.

No skateboaring on the inside. As an avid skateboarder, Tony Hewatt was excited about the expansive new concrete slab indoors. Needless to say, he IS NOT happy about this.

Famous Last Words Video :: No Regrets

Have you dealt with your regrets?


Famous Last Words - Part I of III

The video of Ronnie pondering his last day, his death and his funeral that was played in this past Sunday's services is now up on YouTube. Or you can view it below:

2 of my girls...

Today's post is simply one of those things that I don't feel quite often because I am not a parent yet...however, there are times (because of my position here) that I just get very excited, proud, and everything inside of me wants to just burst forth and scream "YES!!! THAT'S IT!!!!" One of those moments happened recently...

During the Summer, I found out that Myla Roberts (a girl in the children's ministry) felt like God called her to go to South Asia on a mission trip. Her mom told me that she had to pray about it, but that Myla "just knew that God wanted her to go". Also, Audrey Talley, another girl in the children's ministry, felt like she wanted to go.

Long story short, Audrey was on a plane this past week and was sitting beside a gentleman she didn't know. She shared with him about her upcoming mission trip...he happened to be an FCA director not far from Loganville. He has committed to giving them the sports equipment that they needed to go over on their trip.

Now comes the good part...I believe that God is going to do some incredible things in the lives of so many kids. In particularly, these 2 girls, because of their desire to serve Him...they are going to see things that most of us will never witness face to face. I believe that this trip will be on that will change these 2 girls lives forever! I could not be more proud or excited of Myla and Audrey than I am right now. It is so encouraging to see them having a heart for God...and putting action behind their faith. Many of us could learn a lesson or two from a couple of the girls in the Children's Ministry.

[Due to security reasons, more information about the trip cannot be posted...however, if you are interested in learning more &/or want to receive updates while the girls are in Asia...please contact Stephanie Cannon at scannon@fbcloganville.org.]

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor
770.466.4250 ext 246


I hear Crickets...

Are you afraid of silence??? I think I am!

This is one of those weeks where there isn't a lot going on here at the church (with Wednesday night stuff cancelled due to Fall Break). I am sitting here in my office and it's very quiet. Almost scary quiet. This doesn't happen often, except if I am here late on Saturday or early on Sunday! :) However, today, in the midst of the quiet...I'm reminded of the nights when I was a kid and was scared of the dark. I slept with a nightlight, the door open, and the same ol' Batman cassette tape reading the same ol' story each and every night. It's kinda crazy, but here in my office, I still have that cassette (which I just checked and the copyright is 1981). I am constantly reminded of not my desire for Batman or anything like that...but my desire for noise. I don't handle silence very well. I sleep with a box fan (turned as high as it will go) every night. If I don't have a radio on (not that I am paying attention to it anyway), I am listening to the hundreds of voices in my head go 90 mph. In the midst of that, I have come to realize that it isn't the noise that I like so much...it's more that I DON'T like the silence . BUT...in the midst of silence, I'm reminded of Psalm 46:10 which says, "Be still and know that I am God." So many times in my life I get so busy and so caught up in doing things and being places...that I forget to take time not just to spend with God...but really...to sit and simply "be still". Silence isn't a bad thing...it actually makes hearing from the Lord that much easier! Try to find a quiet place to just sit and spend some time with the Lord...I'm sure that it will be far better than listening to a cassette that was made in 1981!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor



Praise for what God is doing:

In each staff meeting, we share praises about what God has been doing in the last few weeks. Here are just a few of the many praises that were mentioned in this morning's staff meeting:


Incredible things are going on in Student Ministry. On Saturday evening at the Student Baptism Service, it was incredible to hear from students’ mouths the life-changing experiences that God has done in their lives. One-by-one students rose to the stage and poured out their hearts about how God has changed them and has been so faithful in their lives. About 200 students this past weekend gathered together to seek Him and His plan for their lives. And we are still hearing stories about how He used this past weekend to shape them into His image.


As many of you know, Ronnie felt led to take up a special offering this past Sunday. This is something that he very rarely does and it is only when he truly feels God leading him to do so. He asked that people give whatever they could. A staff member's middle-school-aged son saw a lady next to him open her purse and literally POUR the contents into the offering plate. His son was completely humbled by her generosity and how much she trusted God. As church members and even as staff we will never know who this generous woman was, but her testimony made a powerful impression and I am sure that this boy will never erase that image from his mind.


There are so many things we could mention that He is doing here. (I wish I could type as fast as the Micro-Machine man could talk, so that I would be able to share each story as people rattle them off!)


Ghana Mission Trip Video

What are you willing to give?

Have you ever sat there and wondered why everywhere you turn, the same topic seems to come up? Whether it is in a message, a conversation with a friend, a blog, a news story, or even a TV show? Well...the past several weeks I feel as though God has really been talking with me about what am I willing to give up. This past week, in our small group discussion, we were talking about how "rich" all of us are...despite the fact that none of us are "financially well off". We all have everything we need: roof over our heads, food on the table, family that loves us. But what are we doing for those who don't have those things? It might be as simple as something that you have plenty of, yet you can't seem to part with them all. Our lesson was about Dorcas (Tabitha). She was the only person in scripture that Peter raised from the dead. He did it because she was important to the widows in Joppa (Acts 9). She had made robes (or Snuggies, as Pastor Ronnie said) for the widows and the poor. James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." We as a group began looking at what "pollution" we spend money on and what are some ways that we can provide for the widows and orphans. What are you willing to give up?

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor



Alrighty...if you are reading this, then you probably have read the post below about how we as a staff attended the Catalyst Conference. While we were there soaking in as much wisdom as possible, a group did something extremely odd. Hope International is a Christian Organization that is set up to help rid poverty by providing small loans (average loan is $100) to help families, or even villages at times, purchase the needed materials to create something that they can sell. It is NOT a gift, but rather a loan. They also claim that 99% of the loans are actually paid in full in six months. So...where do we come in?!?!?!

There were 12,000 people in attendance at this conference...they handed each and every one of them an envelope with a $10 bill in it. Their challenge is simple: find a way to turn the $10 into $100 and send it in to provide a loan for one of these groups. If you have any ideas about how me personally, or collectively we as a staff, can turn all of our $10 bills into $100 each, please let me know. If you want more information, visit their website at: www.hopeinternational.org. Thanks! And keep those ideas coming in!!!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor


Letters to God

Keith just came into my office with his arms overflowing with some of the most precious notes I have ever read. Letters from children written to a holy God. Such beautiful simplicity. Such honesty. (And in some cases, such hilarity!) It is times like these when I totally get what Jesus meant when he told us to have child-like faith. Nothing could be more real or tender. I can't help but think about how moved God must be by children's hearts. If I, as a sinful person, was so moved by them, I couldn't help but think what He felt as He saw His children scribbling away notes to their Heavenly Daddy.
(Above: Thank You, for life thank you for creating me even though you know I was going to sin thank you that you loved me. and thanks for caring and god I know that you know who I am so thanks!!)

("God Bless You"? :) I mean really, how cute is that?)


Catalyst Conference

Some of the FBCL staff spent last Thurs. & Fri. at Catalyst, a leadership conference that is geared towards helping leaders use their passions and gifts in order to have maximum impact in our churches and culture. We were able to sit under some incredible teaching including Chuck Swindoll, Priscilla Shirer, Andy Stanley & lots, lots more. (Currently, we're all experiencing Information Overload!)

I'm sure you'll hear a lot from our staff as we continue to process what God taught us while we were there. Until then, I will share just a few photos from my phone:

(Dave Ramsey)

Kids' Choir

Our 1st through 5th grade Kids’ Choir led the musical portion of worship in all three services a few weeks ago. Although this really exhausts the kids and sets it up for their parents to finally get a Sunday afternoon nap, that’s not our primary motivation in doing so! Our real goal is all about vision and value.

First, we want to give the kids a vision of what it means to serve their church body. We want them to recognize that this is their church, too, not just that of the adults; that they can be used to lift up the name of Jesus and provide the Holy Spirit an opportunity to draw others to Him. This also reinforces the value God places on music as part of the worship experience. (Psalm 66:4) Over and over in Scripture, throughout both the Old and New Testaments, we are urged to sing out both to and of our Lord. (1 Chronicles 16:9…1 Corinthians 14:15) This isn’t about our great ability or some great opportunity; it’s about one great God. (Revelation 15:3) We want the kids to recognize that they don’t have to have the greatest talent or make music their fondest pastime; it’s not about them at all. We want them to recognize that God yearns to hear our voices lifted up in honor of Him. (Psalm 5:3)

Music is big in our world today, especially in the culture of our youth. Just look at the success and acclaim of High School Musical and American Idol and you will recognize that the world knows well how to proclaim value through music. We want to teach our children from the earliest age to proclaim the value of Jesus through this avenue He Himself created and blessed.

One thing I came to recognize early on as a parent is that our children learn best by seeing us do stuff. Although I would occasionally prefer to deny this fact, the truth is that they most often walk, talk, and live the way they see us walk, talk, and live. (Luke 6:40) What’s that got to do with having them in the “big church” service? Well, for one we want them to see their parents and other adults worshipping and realize that this is something that is valuable in their lives from childhood through adulthood. It’s not a childish thing to sing praise, it’s not immature or some passing stage, it’s a God thing. The children of the Lord have been singing His songs for thousands of years. There is a rich heritage to be passed on to this next generation. We teach them the value of worship through how we ourselves worship.

Finally, we want our church body to catch a vision for the church of tomorrow. It’s not about picturing us middle-aged parents trying to keep up with the motions to Spin twenty years in the future. Thank goodness for that! Rather, we get to see that those boys and girls who led us on Sunday morning are some of those who will one day be the worship pastors, small group leaders, lead pastors, and parents of the church to come. That thought can be a little scary, humbling, and sobering. As discouraging as our culture can be when we look for a spiritual light in the next generation, we can be encouraged when we see these children proclaiming His name in song. Music is a powerful medium; it reaches deep and is remembered long. We know that they are learning truth by what we hear come out of their mouths. We know that they are being drawn close to God by the very fact that they are learning ever more about Him. And to know Him is to praise Him.

Chris Marsh

Children's Choir Coordinator




A few weeks ago on a Wednesday night, we were talking about creation and I posed this question to the kids: what is something that you have seen that made you say "WOW"? I was amazed at their responses. It was a really great time. This past week, I had the opportunity to fly out to Colorado Springs thanks to David C. Cook (a publishing company who provides our curriculum for Wednesday nights). I took Mattie along with me and after I was done with business, we had a couple of vacation / touristy days. Let me just say this: I believe that it is impossible NOT to acknowledge that there is a God when you see the things that we saw. Here are just a few of the things that made me say WOW (disclaimer...in all honesty, pictures do NOT do these places justice...it is magnified 10 fold when you see it with your own eyes!!!)

This is a picture of Pike's Peak...a mountain with an elevation of 14,110 ft.

This is one of the rocks/mountains located in The Garden of the Gods...simply breathtaking when you are able to see it up close and see how huge it truly is!

This is Seven Falls...a chain of 7 waterfalls in a row that is just gorgeous!

This is the chapel at the US Air Force Academy. To gain perspective, look for me and Mattie in front of the doors to see how high this truly is!

All in all, these are just a few samples of things that screamed, "There is a God and He is an incredible artist!!!" Simply put...WOW!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor


I Marriage

I know a lot has been said about small groups lately. This will be another one of those times! As Preschool Director it has been quite some time since David and I have been involved in a Life Group. All the responsibilities of Sunday morning and Wednesday night pretty much kept me on the Preschool hall. In November we joined a small group on Wednesday night and I can't tell you how much we have enjoyed it. We have great friends and are currently doing the I Marriage study by Andy Stanley. At first, I didn't want to do another marriage study but God knew differently. This November David and I will be married for 18 years. I have never done another study that has impacted my marriage more than this study. We all begin our marriage with desires that almost right away turn into expectations. What happens then when those expectations are not met? This study will help you answer that question and many more. If you are not involved in a small group or Sunday School I encourage you to do so. We all need it!

God desires that you show your gratitude to Him by showering love on your spouse.
Submission to each other is not required because you deserve it, but because of what Christ has done for you.
You are to love like He loves you.

How can you show love and respect to your spouse today?
Michele Yarbrough
Preschool Director



You know how Ronnie has been talking about being salt to our communities? We just wanted to take a minute to brag on someone who is doing just that. Shawn Freeman, a member of FBCL and a 5th grade mathematics and science teacher at Pharr Elementary, was recently named Teacher of the Year at his school. (Oh, and did we mention that he and his wife, Liz, serve each week in the Preschool Ministry here??)

Congratulations to Shawn for being recognized by his fellow teachers for this very special honor. And a huge thank you to him and all of the other teachers throughout our community who are living as salt to countless children on a daily basis!

If you know of someone without our congregation who is "salty", let us know. Email Stephanie at scannon@fbcloganville.org or post a comment here.


Just a thought...

Hey there gang...as I stated a couple of weeks ago, our small group is going through Crazy Love by Francis Chan. This past week was a cool chapter. Here is a pretty cool exercise that I want to challenge you to do. Go to 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 7. Yes, that is the passage about "Love". Take out the word "love" and replace it with YOUR name. Below is what mine looks like:

4Keith is patient, Keith is kind. He does not envy, he does not boast, he is not proud. 5He is not rude, he is not self-seeking, he is not easily angered, he keeps no record of wrongs.6Keith does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

WOW...if God is love, and we are to be more like Him...and here is our definition of what love is. Sad to say though, that I fall short of that goal! This week...think about it...where do you measure up?

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor


Nehemiah Project

Concrete never looked so good. If you haven't seen it yet, the slab has been poured for the Student/Expanded Worship Building. We were looking forward to having the drive around graded this week but God had other plans and blessed us with some much needed rain. We'll try again next week. Keep praying and I will post again next week.

Daniel Godfree
Executive Pastor

Salt Shakers: Part 2

On Sunday we'll continue to study what Jesus meant when He said, "You are the salt of the earth". This week we will look at 7 characteristics of salty people. Just to give you a taste (ha ha), a few of the characteristics include: surrendering power, possessing a spiritual appetite and showing compassion to others.

Does that "wet your appetite"?

I know, I know...the cheese factor is out of control today. (Cheese! Ah, I'm not even meaning to do the puns now!)

Stephanie Cannon
Communications Director


How Do You Eat An Elephant? One Bite At A Time.

Julie & I just returned from a week at Disney in which we celebrated 25 years of marriage. We had such a blessed time meeting Disney characters, riding the rides, taking in the shows, and enjoying the meal plan. This meal plan was basically all you could eat. I have to admit, I ate like Dumbo – each day I fell to the sin of gluttony. I like all-you-can-eat places because you usually leave full. I was reminded that each day I have an opportunity to “become full” – not with food, but with the Spirit. Each day I have an opportunity to partake of “solid food” (Hebrews 5:14) – the teachings from the Word of God. Everyday God puts before me the opportunity to get my fill of spiritual things. These days I am learning to put the fork down faster, go to my knees more often, and stay in the Word longer.

Just want to remind you all that Christians need other Christians – for accountability, encouragement, and fellowship. If you are not in a Life Group (Sunday School or Small Group) here at First Baptist, I encourage you to go to the Hospitality Suite and inquire as to how you can get plugged in. I truly believe the best place here at First Baptist to grow as a disciple is in a Life Group.

Rick Bene
Family Ministries Pastor


Small Group Retreat

Hey there everyone...I know that some of you may be thinking, "Gee, does Keith head up small groups or children's ministry" due to my constant promotion of small groups...but I have to tell you guys what a great weekend we had. It seems like forever ago, Matt Medlin suggested that we go to Murphy, NC to a cabin for the weekend. Well, it finally came, and let me tell you what a great deal it was. First of all, the price was less than $120 per night for a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom cabin with flatscreen tv, wireless internet, and a hot tub!!! We ended up getting both cabins (they are identical) and were literally right off the Hiawassee River. The weekend was full of relaxation, tubing down the river, great meals, and great company. Also, we went to the "No Name Ice Cream Parlor" and it was INCREDIBLE!!! Lastly, it wasn't "that" far away...it took about 2 hours and 15 minutes to get there! Check out the link if you are interested in a great inexpensive getaway for your small group, or even your family!


Since I was not here on Sunday...a big THANK YOU to Beth and Scott Dihigo for heading up Children's Church; Nikki and Cameron Franklin for teaching the Word segment during Children's Church; and Malia Whitley for getting all the props together for me! These great workers made it possible for me and my wife to enjoy a mini-vacation and not worry about what was going on here while we were gone! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor


The Foundation is Laid!

Just as Daniel told us in the last blog entry, the foundation for the new building was the next step in our progress towards housing students on Sunday nights and doubling as as an expanded worship area for Sunday mornings.

Well, that foundation is now a reality. God has been so faithful in blessing us with so many that have also been incredibly faithful in giving on a regular basis, so we figure the least we could do is keep you up to date with some photos of the progress. So, here are a few of the latest work.


The Nehemiah Project Update

I know many of you have been wondering what's been happening with The Nehemiah Project lately. As you know, two years ago we created a ten year comprehensive plan for our church called "The Nehemiah Project." The NP included plans and strategies for growth, finances, buildings and our process for ministry. Just as we unrolled the plan the economy went south. That's not entirely a bad thing!

We've learned a lot over the past two years. We've learned that money is fleeting and family is first. We can't always keep the things we have but as long as we have our families we have all we need. Many of us have learned to relax a little bit more and not take life so seriously. As a church we've learned that planning isn't futile but it has to be flexible. When God gets ready to make a wholesale change in the way we think and live we either change the way we think and live or we miss out on what God wants to do next. So we've been changing the way we think and live.

The good news is while we couldn't completely anticipate what God was going to do two years ago the preparations we made allowed us to move along almost seamlessly without having to go back to the drawing board. Our greatest need was space for worship on Sunday mornings and now, added to it, space for our student ministry to meet on Wednesday evenings. The easy change at that point was to forgo building a Sanctuary that we could no longer afford and instead build the Student Ministry Building, that was meant to be last, and let it double as an Expanded Worship Area. And that brings us to the purpose of my blog today.

If you creep around the back side of the Education Building today you will see what we have been waiting so long to see...progress! The Student Ministry/Expanded Worship Building is currently under construction. As of today the asphalt and concrete have been removed, the site graded and formed, pipes laid, gravel poured and by the end of the week a foundation should be in place. The estimated time for the building to be dried in is eight weeks. I will keep you posted on the progress from week to week.

We currently have enough money to dry in the building with approximately $20,000 left over. The second phase includes finishing the inside to the point of obtaining a certificate of occupancy. It includes dry wall, carpet, insulation, sprinklers, lights and HVAC. At that point the Student Ministry will move in and begin using the facilities. The second phase will cost approximately $120,000 meaning we will need to raise $100,000 in addition to the $20,000 we will have in hand to allow the building to be usable by our Student Ministry. Phase three will be the final phase which will include extra lighting, sound and simulcast system allowing us to begin using the building as an Expanded Worship area that will house approximately 280-300 people. This phase will cost around $110,000.

We need you to do something for us to make the dream a reality. We need you to pray and we need you to give. This is something, with God's help, that we can accomplish together. The building itself will be exciting but the joy will come in knowing that we aren't giving up on reaching the community around us for Christ, no, we are moving forward full steam ahead. We believe God has greater plans for us than we have ever dreamed up on our own and we are following Him. In Hebrews 11:6, 2 Chronicles 16:9, and verses scattered all over the Bible we are reminded that God desires to reward and strengthen those who follow Him with all of their heart. Seek Him with all of your heart and ask God if He would have you be involved in the work He is doing at FBCL.

I love you guys and look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Don't forget to invest in someone this week and invite them to come connect with God. Ronnie is beginning a new series on being the "salt of the earth" and I promise you don't want to miss it.

In Him,

Daniel Godfree
Executive Pastor

Student Ministry - Grace

Over the past month our student ministry has been studying “Grace”. I have been amazed and challenged at how little we know and understand about His grace. God’s grace is truly amazing and displayed perfectly through Jesus Christ Who was grace upon grace. This last month has been humbling as we have looked at how grace really works. It shows me that there are a lot of students and adults that may have head-knowledge of grace but never experienced it for themselves.

Last week was also a great victory for me personally as I had the opportunity to lead one of the football players to Jesus on a Tuesday morning. I’ve spent a year investing in him and just hanging out. I can honestly say none of it seemed like a sacrifice. It was fun and very rewarding. My prayer for us, as a student ministry, is that we truly live God’s grace and experience His power. Anyone can draw a crowd. . .We want to see God move. Our bottom line in student ministry continues to be bringing damage to satan’s kingdom. Thank you for your prayer and support.

-Wayne Naugle

Student Pastor



Long Weekend and GREAT workers!!!

Hey there everyone...I am sure that you all enjoyed the long weekend as much as I did! I know with the weather, football, the grill...man, it was a great weekend! But enough about that...I wanted to take a minute to brag about some of our great workers: the Tapia's. Vincent and Joy Tapia have been teaching Sunday school for the children's ministry for the past year and a half. The only problem that I know about the Tapia's is the fact that they are Yellow Jacket fans...but that is quickly overlooked thanks to a great love for the iPhone and all things Mac related! :)

At any rate, I put out a challenge our workers to go out and visit each and every student in the class outside of church. One day last week I saw an update on Facebook that was talking about his 3rd grade class! I thought it was spectacular! They went and saw 2 of the girls in their class cheer on a Saturday a couple of weeks ago. I can tell you that it made those girls' day when they saw their SS teachers there. So, GREAT JOB Vincent and Joy! You guys Rock!!!!!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor

PS - If any of you out there see any of the workers doing something great...how about shooting me an email at kwages@fbcloganville.org so that I can brag on them too! THANKS!

Salt Shakers Sermon Series

When you hear someone say, “They are just salt-of-the-earth kinda people” you know exactly what they are saying. They’re talking about genuine people. Good as gold. Tried and true. The real deal.

Beginning this Sunday we’ll spend 5-weeks walking through exactly what Jesus meant in Matthew 5:13 when he said we are to be the salt of the earth. We’ll also dig into some practical application for how to live the life He intends for us.

Salt Shakers :: September 13 – October 11 :: Sunday mornings @ 8:30 am, 9:50 am & 11:10 am


Francis Chan

Some of you may have heard of this guy, but others of you have not. I wanted to take a minute this week and just plug this great pastor named Francis Chan. He is the pastor of a church out in California...but he wrote a book a little over a year ago called Crazy Love. Our small group is going through this book and it is incredible. If you want to feel good about yourself and walk away with a smile on your face...then don't read this book. However, if you want to be challenged, humbled, and pushed to know Jesus more...I strongly encourage you to read it. Just be warned...it can cause major shifts in the way you think and the things you place priority on. Have a blessed week!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor

We just wrapped up our monthly staff meeting and I am overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude for the privilege to serve on a team that is so earnestly seeking direction from God. Daniel Godfree (our Executive Pastor) challenged us to begin praying for humble and submissive spirits as we (as a church) pursue God and His plans rather than our own. He reminded us that His plans are always immeasurably more than we can ask. . .or than we can even imagine.

We'd like to ask you to also pray for us. Pray that we will be open to whatever God calls us to and that, as a staff, we will truly live lives worthy of that calling. I think I can confidently speak on behalf of the entire staff when I say Thank You for the chance to serve God here. It is so exciting and humbling to see Him at work daily. . .and to anticipate what He will do in the days to come.

-Stephanie Cannon
Communications Director

(By the way, the photos are also from this morning. Before staff meeting, Darlene & Buddy Lail cooked a delicious breakfast for the entire staff. The food was amazing and it was just a great time to sit and laugh together. The Lail's even made a special breakfast just for Keith, as you can see below.)


Student Cafe' Update

Here's an update on the Student Cafe':

After many hours of work by our fantastic Facilities Team - especially Wayne Yancey, Doug Jarrett, Susan Jordan, Larry and Marie Hergenroder and Joseph Manu - and others such as Rick Bene, Stephanie Cannon, Emily Meade and Student Pastor Wayne Naugle, the new Student Cafe' is shaping up not just to be a functional space to accommodate a big crowd of students, but a very nice looking one, as well.

If you pass any of these people at church or out in the community, let them know that you appreciate their hard work on this. The truth is, these folks didn't just want to remodel a room just for the sake of remodeling it - they wanted to create a space that would encourage our students to come and grow closer to the Lord and each other. They also wanted a space that would be not only welcoming to newcomers, but one that would get them excited about being there and hopefully encourage them to want to return.

Here are a few photos of the almost-complete Student Cafe':

Leaving A Legacy

This year in Preschool Ministry our theme is “Leaving A Legacy,” which is based on the song by Nichole Nordeman. The words of this song are perfect for what we are trying to accomplish in Preschool Ministry.

It’s exciting to see the little ones learning about Jesus at such a young age. The Bible stories, music, activities, and crafts are carefully planned to reinforce the lesson. When you drop your child off in Preschool, you can be sure that we strive to keep your child safe and that they are learning about Jesus the whole time they are in our care.

What about in your home? What are you doing to leave a legacy for your kids? Do you have certain traditions, a special time of devotion, family trips? We can be sure whatever it is that little eyes are watching! Deuteronomy 6:6 -7

If you want to leave a legacy to your kids, read the following excerpt from Nichole Nordeman's song and ask yourself the questions she poses:

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace
Who blessed Your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy

Submitted by Michele Yarbrough


I am really excited about our Group Link that is coming up this Sunday and next Wednesday. Group Link is the next step for people to take to get into a Small Group. Why is getting into a Small Group so important? I believe with all my heart that it is within a small community of believers – whether this be a Sunday School class or Small Group – disciples are grown. It is here they get to ask questions, share their hearts, study Scriptures, apply Scripture, and be encouraged in their faith.

Someone from my Small Group made this interesting observation last week while we were studying and discussing 1 Peter 5:8 “Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”. The comment was, “Lions in the wild look for the weak ones – those that are sick, young, or by themselves – separate from the herd. In the same way, Satan goes after young, immature Christians; Christians who are sick – that are living in the flesh; or Christians who feel that they don’t need others – they can survive without the fellowship, accountability, or encouragement of other believers.” What a great observation. That is why being connected to a Life Group – a Sunday School class or a Small Group – is so vital.

Why am I excited about Group Link? Because this will connect people to God and each other. It will also shut the mouth of the lion and send him away hungry! For more information about Group Link, go to the church web site or email me at rbene@fbcloganville.org. Have a great week. Maybe I will see you at Group Link!

Submitted by Rick Bene


Updates in Children's Ministry

Hello everyone...I hope you had a great and relaxing weekend. I don't know about you, but I long for the Fall weather to get here. This morning was 71 outside and it felt incredible!!! And if you walk into Kroger, you will smell those wonderful cinnamon broom things that just SCREAM for the Fall. I actually bought one to put in my office! :)

At any rate, I wanted to take just a moment of your time to update you on a couple of things.
First of all, I want to encourage all of you to get plugged into a Life Group. It's an incredible way to grow closer to Jesus while at the same time build community and friendships that will last forever. In my small group, the guys were talking a few weeks ago about how difficult it is to keep a steady quiet time during the summer with such a lack of routine. We thought about it and said we needed more accountability. The problem is that none of us had the extra 20 - 30 minutes a day to call each other and just make sure that we were having our quiet times. SO....we decided to use technology and our phones and begin sending a text message to the other guys in the group saying "Yes" or "No". It has been amazing how much more accountability was built into just 2 - 3 minutes sending a text! So much so, that now the women in our group are doing the same things with each other. God is really working in our Life Group and I want to encourage all of you to get plugged into one of your own. I promise you this...you will not be disappointed!!!

The second thing that I want to update you about is a new curriculum that we will be using in Rootz, our Wednesday night program. It is called Tru and is put out by David C. Cook. We are very fortunate and excited about partnering with Cook as a Beta test church for this new curriculum that will not be available until next year to the public. I have spent many hours on the phone, emailing, and actually in training with Cook as they develop Tru. I can tell you that it is really cool stuff and it does a great job of making the Bible come to life!!! If you have any questions or want to know more about it, please just email me at kwages@fbcloganville.org and I will be more than happy to sit down with you and show you in detail what we are doing.

As I close, I just wanted to praise God for the wonderful workers that we have. Several of the new workers are already making a bond with kids and saying that they feel blessed to be serving. If you are interested in serving, we still need a few small group leaders for Rootz, as well as a Sunday School teacher at 11:10 for 2nd grade, and we can always use some Crowd Control help during the 9:50 hour for our Kidz Inc. Theater. Have a great week!!!

Keith Wages
Children's Pastor


Big Changes for the Bene's & GroupLink

This has been a very emotional week for Julie & I – this past Tuesday we celebrated 25 years of marriage and then on Wednesday we moved our baby girl into college! Talk about a roller-coaster week! One day I am crying tears of joy because of the blessings of a godly wife for 25 years and the next day I am crying tears of sadness because my last child has gone off to college! What’s a guy like me to do? Julie and I also had aspirations of going on a really great anniversary trip, but with two kids in college, well, let me just say our plans have been readjusted! Funny how life works at times!

I am going through the book of Joshua and really enjoying it. I was in chapter seven the other day, the narrative of Achan’s sin. It reminded me that as a dad, I am so responsible to live a life of obedience before my children. Satan lies to us by telling us that our sins, our secret sins, they only effect us. There are no secret sins before an all-knowing, holy God! My sins affect others – especially my wife & children. This is why I am so thankful to be a part of a small group at church. The other men encourage me and hold me accountable to walk with the Lord.

Speaking of small groups, we will be having Group Link on Sunday, August 30th and Wednesday, September 2nd. GroupLink is an eight week course designed to help assimilate you into a small group. If you are not currently plugged into a Life Group (Sunday School or Small Group), I would encourage you to check it out. GroupLink is a great way for you to learn more about small groups and will help you find just the right one for you. If I can help answer any questions about GroupLink, email me at rbene@fbcloganville.org.

Have a great week – God Bless

- Rick Bene

Wayne's Weekly Weblog

Dear Fellow Bloggies,
Student ministry is back with the start of a new school year. We're excited about the opening of our Cafe' on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 7:00 and 8:15 - 9:00 p.m. This includes b-ball, pool, air hockey, fooseball, ping pong, milk shakes, smoothies and real food (not that kids will eat it...). We are excited to see how God is going to work in student ministry this year.
In my QT, I've been reading through I Kings. In I Kings 11:6-10, Solomon makes a decision not to follow God with all his heart and God is angry with because He appealed to him twice to warn him to follow God. It made me ask myself What has God told me to do that I haven't? How angry does God get when we don't follow with all our heart? Just a thought.
-Wayne Naugle

Praise from the Kitchen

On Monday, Buddy and Darlene Lail (in case you don't know them, they run the kitchen here at the church) poked their heads in the communications office and were smiling ear-to-ear. They had just counted up the money raised from sales for the August 23rd lunch and the total reached about $1,124.

Yes, they were smiling because that is a lot of money for the kitchen. But they were really happy because the staff had been praying that God would provide enough revenue to allow them to purchase some much-needed kitchen equipment that will cost... $1,100!