
Update from South Asia

An Update from Suzanne Roberts, one of our members who just returned from an all-ladies mission trip to one of the world's most densely populated Muslim countries:

I just wanted to say that I am thankful that God allowed me and my daughter, Myla, to go and experience South Asia.. .WOW... what an experience!!!

Although, we'll never see all the GLORY that HE received .. because of our obedience to Go... I know that we, nor the people that we shared with, will NEVER be the same again.. There is just no way to GO on a mission trip and not come back changed..

It has been said.. that God does his most stunning work where things seem hopeless. Wherever there is pain, suffering, and desperation, Jesus is. And that's where his people(a group of 10 women) belong (in South Asia) --- among those who are vulnerable, who think nobody cares. What better place for the brilliance of Christ to shine?

Before we left.. I was told by two different prayer warriors... that our main goal was to ENCOURAGE the full-time missionaries that God has put into place in Bangladesh.. And I feel that our team did just that.. The prayers we prayed for them, and over them... will do much more than we could ever accomplish "in our own strength" in one week.

Upon our return home, Myla was still overwhelmed with tears as she laid her head down in her beautiful room, on a clean bed (where only she sleeps) that we are SO BLESSED.. that we have SO MUCH.. and they have SO little.. I know that the trip made an impact on her little life.. and she will never be the same again.

Thank you ...Jesus.
Suzanne Roberts

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